LillianLim On Friday, 13th June 2008, I suddenly felt numbness in my right arm. When I got up to walk, my right leg also became numb. I was not able to walk because the right side of my body became paralysed.

I realised something was terribly wrong and the word “stroke” came to my mind. Luckily it was my daughters’ day off. I immediately asked her to drive me to the hospital.

I was admitted to Assunta Hospital where I received treatment and physiotherapy. The doctor told me that I had a mild stroke due to a blood clot on the left side of my brain. During my stay at the hospital, I had a constant stream of visitors. My pastors, church members, cell leader, cell members, family members and friends came and they prayed for me. At night during my quiet time, I also prayed and ask the Lord to give me strength and courage to overcome my fears and to be able to get back on my feet again.

Prayers really moved the hand of God because a week later when I was discharged from the hospital, I was ale to walk with the aid of a walking stick. I immediately joined NASAM (National Stroke Association of Malaysia) where I continued with my physiotherapy at the centre. At the same time I also went for acupuncture three times a week at another centre. So with God’s grace, determination and perseverance, I recovered within three months of my stroke.

Not only did the Lord heal me but He also provided me with the finances. Family members, relatives, friends and the church all chipped in to pay for my hospital bills and my medical expenses!

I wish to thank the pastors, church members, cell leader, cell members, family members and friends for their prayers and help during my illness.

Lillian Lim
Full Gospel Tabernacle, Subang Jaya