Sharing The Gospel – The Importance of Our Testimony

By Wong Sheue Ling 31 Oct 2021 When I first attended Evangelism Explosion, we learnt that when sharing the gospel, the testimony of a changed life is very powerful. A typical example of a conversion testimony is – “Before I knew Jesus Christ I felt anxious, rejected...

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7 Keys in Praying For A Breakthrough

By ps Kenneth Wong All of us would agree that it has been a trying time for many of us. We have been stuck in this pandemic for more than a year now.  Thankfully, we are beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel as the vaccination slowly kicks in. It was a...

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7 Steps To Be An Effective “Soul Winner”

7 Steps To Be An Effective “Soul Winner” By Ps Kong Choke Kee Jesus told His disciples, “Follow me, and I will make you Fishers of men” (Matt 4:19). The implication is that IF we are really following Jesus, we will be fishing i.e. soul-winning....

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7 Keys To Intimacy With God

Intimacy with God should be the #1 priority in our lives. All mighty men and women of God had intimacy with Him. Enoch, Abraham, Jacob, Moses and the disciples had tremendous intimacy with God. We can see how Moses had intimacy with God from reading Exodus 33:...

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Our High Tech, Low Touch Culture

by Rev Kindah Greening With buzzwords and acronyms like hyperstitial, matrix management, spyware, competitive analysis, FAQs, empowerment and stem cell research, life in the 21st century has become what I term ‘high tech, low touch’. There is no denying that modern...

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In Times of Great Challenge

Passage : 1 Sam 17:32 Pastor Yahya Okit (BM Dept) “Then David said to Saul, “Let no man’s heart fail because of him; your servant will go and fight with the Philistine.” I believe that there is no individual who is strong to face every challenge that comes upon his /...

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God Commands Repentance

God Commands Repentance! Jonah 3:4-10 Jonah preached the judgment of God: “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!” I think many of our preachers are watering down the gospel instead of preaching the judgment of a holy God on all who refuse to repent of their...

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Taken Or Left Behind?

Since the writing of the popular “Left Behind” series by Hal Lindsay, the subject has been widely debated by many students of theology. Certainly, by close examination of the scriptures, there will be a people who are taken out and a people who will be left behind....

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Biblical Grace Under Assault

Marc A. Dupont, Mantle of Praise Ministries, Inc., November 2010 God’s grace does not give us the freedom to do what we like and get away with it. It releases the power of God’s Word and Spirit to become individuals conformed to Christ. Over the last few years a...

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The 4 Aspects of Grace

Rev Dr Colin Hurt At the present time there is an emphasis concerning the grace of God that is spreading around the world. Often there is an imbalance because only one aspect of grace, unmerited favour, is being taught. Let us examine four aspects of grace that are...

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No More Manna, but Greater Fruit

by Marc Dupont Mantle of Praise Ministries It has become far more than a “cliché message” to preach/teach the contemporary church is in a time of transition. While that may be true in any given season of God, it is also true that in learning to walk with God, and in...

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A Changing Priesthood For A New Temple

by Dr David M Shearer Principal – Southland Bible College Invercargill – New Zealand 1 Peter 2:9-10 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness...

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The Life That Abides In Christ

By : Ps Ely Lingao The Christian life is a life of victory, joy, peace and purposeful living. Jesus said, “I came that they might have life and might have it abundantly.”[John 10:10b] Our confidence is not in ourselves. Our confidence and trust are in the...

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Encounters With God

By: Terry Appel Revelation 3:20 V8…I have set before you an open door! One of the great cries that are in the hearts of God’s people is the deep need to have an encounter with Him, that moment that defines them and sets them up on a path that they will not deviate...

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Are You ALL In?

By : Doug Kelly The Bible says that “old men have dreams.”  Well, recently I had a dream that was so vivid that I remembered it when I awoke.  In the dream I was playing poker with several friends.  I was holding my hand close to the chest to make sure that nobody...

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The Christian Perspective On Homosexuality

Dr. Colin Hurt HOMOSEXUALITY IS THEOLOGICALLY WRONG Tony Blair has told the world’s major religions that they have misunderstood their holy books when it comes to the issue of homosexuality. Texts which identify homosexual acts as morally wrong should be seen as...

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How Are You Doing Pastor?

By : Rev Barry P.Boucher, D.Min. Great! In fact, you may be surprised to know that your pastor may have the highest job satisfaction of anyone in your congregation. A recent study shows that ministers by far ranked the most satisfied of 198 occupations. Eighty-seven...

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A Biblical View of Faith

By : Rev Dr Colin Hurt. Introduction The subject of faith is the most important topic in the Bible. Without faith we are lost. Without faith we cannot please God. Without faith we can achieve nothing in the spiritual realm. Yet many in the church do not understand...

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10 Reasons To Preach Prophecy

by Dr Mark Hitchcock, Best-Selling Author Senior Pastor, Faith Bible Church Many pastors and teachers today avoid preaching end time prophecy. There are undoubtedly many reasons for this. There are many different views about the end times, so some fear that it might...

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