MISSION STATEMENT: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it”. Proverbs 22:6
The Children’s Church is known as Kids Alive!
It’s for children aged 2-12. Our vision is to see children:
Alive in the Lord!
Alive in His Word!
Alive in His Love!
Kids Alive consists of:
1) Celebration Service (9-10am, before main service)
Children worship God & learn about Him through art & craft, object Lessons, games & quizzes. Our focus is on character-building and forming relationships with God and others.
2) Super-zone (9-10am, before main service)
A weekly ministry for children with learning disabilities. It is 1-on-1, tailored to improve the child’s needed skills e.g. fine motor skills.
We strive to help the children develop a closer relationship with their teachers and other children; and to experience practical life skills. Hence our activities include monthly & yearly group activities with life-skills training, hygiene training, sports, outings, grocery shopping etc.
3) Nursery (10-11.45am, concurrent with main service)
For 2-4 years old. Kids learn Bible stories, play games and do art and craft. Our activities help them to develop social skills and an awareness of God’s love.
We welcome all children for a fun and exciting time every Sunday!
Should you need any further information, please contact Pastor Jenny Liew at (03)-8024 2270.